Nov 05 2004

Friday funnies

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Precious, spectacular filk. Read along here, listen here. Ow, my sides hurt…

Machomer. Oh. My. God. This stuff is absolutely, breathtakingly hilarious. Enter and listen to the audio clips. Seriously – do it now.

Nov 04 2004

New Journal Announcement

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CHIMAERA – A Journal of Eclectic Paganism is launching its first issue at the Winter Equinox of 2004 and is seeking contributions from writers and artists.

CHIMAERA, the dragon of disparate parts, is an apt name for a journal which welcomes well-written submissions from adherents of all pagan paths as long as they adhere to two simple guidelines: the author must write from a personal perspective of study and practice in a magical or magico-religious tradition, and must provide historical citations whenever used.

CHIMAERA will be published in .pdf format only, and will be distributed free to subscribers. Since this is an advertising-free journal staffed and produced entirely by volunteers, we are unable to pay for submissions. The journal will be delivered in Adobe .pdf format via email to subscribers only on a quarterly basis.

Interested authors should send a one page query letter outlining their proposed article and accompanied by a short bio to [email protected].

Interested artists can send a .jpg and description of their work, along with a short bio, to the same address.

Submissions must be received by November 30, 2004 in order to be considered for inclusion in the Winter Equinox issue.

If you wish to become a subscriber, you may do so by clicking on this link: [email protected]

Nov 03 2004

In the news…

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Nov 03 2004

Now I’ve lost the popularity contest something fierce …

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I have made a point of avoiding the TV, internet news sites, and blogs of a political nature this morning. Call it a sanity-saving measure, if you will.

I have been trying to refrain from shooting my mouth off about all of this, too, but it appears I am going to be unsuccessful on that count. It’s time to stop reading if you don’t want to hear it – and no, this doesn’t mean I’m making a habit of it, either.

Personally, I think Bush is the least of our worries.

Let me clarify that before you snarf your java.

Prop 2 passed in Michigan, to my disappointment but not to my surprise. (for all those playing along at home: constitutional amendment defining marriage as only between a man and a woman, and not only marriage but any other sort of union or legal designation “for any purpose,” which opens doors wide for all sorts of things beyond ‘marriage’ to be screwed with, including existing same-sex benefits in the private sector, het. common-law relationships, etc.) Similar props passed in something like 10 other states, and a handful had passed previous to this election.

The deep undertow undercurrent in the U.S. that worked to pass these props is what elected Bush. Polling indicated that the issues most often cited by voters were moral values, defense, and the economy. Moral values??!!?? What year is it, again? We’ve watched the country turn more and more into a nation of Evangelical Christians/EC values. What we have is more closely resembling the pseudo-theocracies seen during the war years of the 20th century through the early 60s than the years after that we should be building on as our modern foundation – but it’s a helluva lot more than Bush. He’s a symptom, not a cause in and of himself.

In 4 years Bush won’t be a possibility (and neither will Cheney) but unless this undercurrent and what’s feeding it is addressed he’ll just be replaced by another just like him – so again, I think Bush is the least of our worries – he’s merely a tributary of a much larger river feeding him…we need to spend less energy and resources trying to dam the tributary and more focusing on that river that can easily turn into a flood. You know how water flows – dam one and another will spring in its place. What we need is a sort of Hoover dam that will help to control, even redirect, that river.

And that Prop 2 stuff? The freedom to marry (and “marriage” aside, we’re talking here about any legal status at all) has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men, yet anti-gay rhetoric has been popular with both Repubs. and Dems. this season: in Oregon, for example, another state that passed a similar prop, Kerry won with 53% over Bush’s 46%, yet it passed 57% to 43%. Numbers here in Michigan, another Kerry win (51% to 47%), are similar: 58% to 41%.

The argument against? Religion

Forty years ago it was illegal to marry someone of another race.

The argument against? Religion

The Lovings were convicted of violating 20-58 of the Virginia Code: “Leaving State to evade law: If any white person and colored person shall go out of this State, for the purpose of being married, and with the intention of returning, and be married out of it, and afterwards return to and reside in it, cohabiting as man and wife, they shall be punished as provided in 20-59, and the marriage shall be governed by the same law as if it had been solemnized in this State. The fact of their cohabitation here as man and wife shall be evidence of their marriage.” “Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

(And that’s all I have to say about that.)

[crossposted, in part, in my lj, FWIW]

Nov 01 2004


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O! My sinuses! Make it stop!

As seen at Playing School, Irreverently and a wolf angel is not a good angel (among other locales)


Name: juniperus intrepidus, praedicator veridicus!

Birth date: July 3

Birthplace: Jackson, MI

Current Location: Kalamazoo, MI (sad, huh?)

Eye Color: green

Hair Color: dark blonde

Height: 5’5

Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: Cancer


Your heritage: UK&Western/Eastern European mutt

The shoes you wore today: black leather..loafers, I guess they’d be…

Your weakness: chocolate/toffee, coffee

Your fears: failure, esp. failure that impacts people I love

Your perfect pizza: tomato sauce, lots o cheese, mushrooms, black olives, ground beef

Goal youÂ’d like to achieve: some sort of success. try me.


Your most overused phrase on IM: riiiiight…

Your first waking thoughts: now which kid is in my bed?

Your best physical feature: erp. uh…smile?
(Brian will comment on this – he complains I never smile…)

Your most missed memory: If I remember it I can’t be missing it, wot?


Pepsi or Coke: neither

McDonaldÂ’s or Burger King: McD – my life is made easier by the presence of Playland

Group/Single Dates: single

Adidas or Nike: neither

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither

Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate, depending

Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino, if I can get it


Smoke: no

Cuss: yes, g*dd@mn!t

Sing: when necessary

Take a shower everyday: usually.

Do you think youÂ’ve been in love: yes

Want to go to college: yes, but so many don’t want meee. I’m not bitterrrr…

Liked high school: erg. no. better than a stick in the eye – but not much.

Want to get married: again? I’d have to ditch Bri first!

Believe in yourself: occasionally

Get motion sickness: yes. sucks.

Think youÂ’re attractive: not particularly

Think youÂ’re a health freak: no

Get along with your parent(s): yes, depending on your definition of ‘get along’

Like thunderstorms: yes

Play an instrument: no, and there would be those who argue I didn’t when I did, either.

LAYER SIX: In the past month

Drank alcohol: yes

Smoked: no

Done a drug: no.

Made Out: no, not precisely.

Gone on a date: no, unless you count our child-free work-week lunches out. I guess that should be a yes, then…

Gone to the mall?: yes, but it was the portrait studio, so it wasn’t so very painful.

Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: no, not entire – I have children. and a Brian. No hope of that even if I wanted to!

Eaten sushi: no

Been on stage: no

Been dumped: no
Gone skating: no

Made homemade cookies: no. apple spice cupcakes, yes – cookies, no.

Dyed your hair: no.

Stolen Anything: I swiped a Mounds snack size bar from my son’s Halloween bag last night – does that count? (he wouldn’t have liked the coconut, anyway!)


Played a game that required removal of clothing: no, I don’t think so.

If so, was it mixed company:

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: only once or twice – I really dislike being that drunk.

Been caught “doing something”: no.

Been called a tease: no.
(not to my face)

Gotten beaten up: no.

Shoplifted: When I was 4 or 5 I pilfered a peach from the produce section of the grocery and sat under the stand eating it. I put the pit in my pocket – so my Mom found out later that evening.

Changed who you were to fit in: Tried so, sort of, ever so briefly in high school. Gave up in pretty short order.

Successfully? no.


Age you hope to be married: Already married.

Numbers and Names of Children: 2. Emma and Colin.

Describe your Dream Wedding: no.

How do you want to die: in any way that does not hurt. no awareness of the end would also be a bonus.

Where you want to go to college: U. Kentucky, but they have no monee for meee. Notre Dame and St. Louis U. were nice, but I am ->this<- close to being SO done with all of this wracking and garbage...
What do you want to be when you grow up: Grow up. Riiiight.

What country would you most like to visit: Anywhere in the UK, I guess…but there are a lot of really, really close seconds on the continent.


Number of drugs taken illegally: 1

Number of people I could trust with my life: 5 or 6? Max? I don’t know that I ever have that sort of grand expectation of those close to me…or ponder it, at least.

Number of CDs that I own: no idea. Bri keeps everything jumbled together, mostly.

Number of piercings: 2

Number of tattoos: 0. That would involve main and require money, therefore…

Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: No idea – a fair number, since I wrote the University paper for a spell. (actually, for pocket change – a spell would have been worth a lot more than they paid. heh.)

Number of scars on my body: hm. Dunno – more than 5, less than 10? 5 form the surgeries I’ve had, and there’s probably more here and there.

Number of things in my past that I regret: too many.

Oct 29 2004

the deluge! the leaf-clogged drains! arrgh!

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WANTED: One ark. Used OK.

Oct 28 2004

MFA, etc.

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My 2-year-old has begun learning the alphabet. He’s got A down. And thanks to many, many verbal spelling quizzes (during which he repeats the word I say, and every letter his sister spells. it’s like having an echo), he’s likely to know the whole 1st grade spelling compliment before he’s 3. Hehe haha.

MFA made it back to the gym yesterday. This was a mistake, but first: I skipped a month, and was hardly good about water or nutrition, but still only went up less than 2 lbs. Is it bad news that I gained, or good news that, despite my skipping breakfast and all of the bad-habit crap I used to do, I managed to keep it all within a modicum of control?

Now, the mistake part: I awoke with a sinus headache. Not any sinus headache, but one bad enough that I was queast from the pain. So I take my meds, eat bland-but-coating for the tum, and sally forth. I only made it 20 minutes into a half-hour workout before I stopped because my head was ready to explode all over the nice, new equipment. Did it get better once I quit exacerbating things? No, oh no. I eventually gave up and went home early to lay down in a darkened room and wish for death.

And I was greeted this morning by another, albeit less severe. (as well as a 7-year-old acting more like a 2-year-old than her brother, but I digress..) So no gym this morning – I don’t dare. I’ll sit here at my desk, trying to be vaguely prosuctive and hugging my ibuprofen bottle like a teddy bear. It’s gotta be the recent rains = mold. I’d want my mommy, except I know better – she’d probably be worse for it than the gym was. Oh well…

Oh, and the stars properly aligned, the earth began to move between the moon and the sun…and the Sox won. Well, there ya go.

Oct 26 2004

still a sucker

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Emma will be getting Buffy for her 8th birthday. I am a real, true sucker. (and yes, for all you purists, she is sure to take it out of the package and play with it. writhe! weep!)

She’ll go well with the talking Care Bear from Santa, yes? (sick, sick, sick)

Oct 26 2004


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So yesterday I mentioned the blog conference over at 11D. After taking some time to read through everything I can say I’m even more sorry now than I was yesterday that I missed it. Many hearty ‘thank you!’s to her for doing it. Here are Our Moderator’s final words of the week, and a follow-up on the format – I hope she is merely the first of many short, directed blog conferences (particularly for discussing topics relating to, or bridging off of, those covered earlier in the month, but only because those are the topics I’m particularly interested in conversing about).

I’d consider trying it, but I’ve heard comments by those readers who aren’t thrilled with this system/having to sign up for an account (not like I will stalk you, send you unwanted holiday greetings, or sell information…but whatever) and problems therein that I hesitate. Rather than being a blog’ho like That Man I Married (who has, what, 6??!!?) I like the idea of directed, specific flurries of topical conversation within my otherwise non-topic-specific space.

If you have an opinion, please offer it – heck, send me email if posting here is making you threee shades of crazy: elisabeth dot carnell at wmich dot edu

Oct 25 2004


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I am finally getting around to adding some fine folks who are linking to me to the list on the left. I’ve also been mentioned in some fine, fine company here. An honor, although I am uncertain how deserved. I guess I should work harder to post things more interesting than mere blather. There are many things out and about I should like to comment on…but have not.

And speaking of blather, here’s today’s dose:
I admit it, I skipped the lecture Friday. Instead, I wandered north toward the Newberry stopping for lunch (Marshall Fields food court – busy even well after ‘lunch hour’, but the fish and chips were worth it. At least the fish were – fries are fries are fries. They did offer malt vinegar – much to my relief. I was terribly nervous for a moment when I realized it wasn’t out with the rest of the condiments.

I wandered across the street into Nordstrom Rack (since we’re heading into that time of year, and on top of my two I will have a new nephew to buy for) and picked up a couple of small stocking items for the wee ones…aaand an $88 silk blouse for myself for a mere $26 and change. Score! The weather was too lovely to spend an afternoon inside after already spending the morning inside, frankly. The exhibit was small but very nicely done, for all who will be visiting Chicago in the near future. I visited my favorite parts of the museum, followed my wandering companions into the gift shop (and found my mother a TraditionalWinterHoliday gift) and spent quality time with the Chagall window. My propensity for motion sickness and the charter bus did not get along. Thank goodness I always carry Adams Clove chewing gum. I should have had some candied ginger root, too. Uuuggh.

No decs up yet, of course – I’d love to come back in a month and see the windows, plus I didn’t stop at the amazing carmel corn shop across from Niketown nor eat at the Berghof (which is not easy to do, depending on my company. If Bri tags along we’ll go no where near sauerkraut, mark my words!)

A few things, then links:
I have come to grips with the fact that over the past 8 months or so my son’s gorgeous eyes, slowly growing a darker and grayer blue, have finally changed to green like Emma’s and mine. *sigh*

The really weird weather this past spring, plus an equally odd fall, has resulted in a crappy apple crop this year – so my tradition of apple picking with Emma will not happen. I need to redeem myself and get a really amazing pumpkin to carve…Maybe I’ll get two, carve them like our presidential candidates and see which one the students smash first! (If I do I’ll post pics – they’re both such punkin’heads anyway…it’s too, too fitting)

On to the interesting stuff:
El Greco art discovered in Spain.

Iron age horse burial unearthed.

Dateline Croatia
An historian commenting about..history? What a novel idea!

Not medieval, but just interesting enough to include:
Is fraud rampant in U.S. history?

LONDON, England (CNN) — A devil-worshipping sailor in the Royal Navy has become the first registered Satanist in the British Armed Forces.

Kiln’s ‘ancestorÂ’ found in Greece.

The cave of Lot’s seduction and the monastery it inspired. [thanks to for the link]