In addition to the calipers I want to get (which, I discover, also come in a set of really nicely-made tools that I can buy through the ceramics dept – and I think I may really need to get that set, now, since the cheap-o set I originally bought is partly disentegrating/roughing to the point of uncomfortable. less than $30, Brian!) I think it might be useful to have a level – you know, one of those pen-style pocket numbers. They’re pretty cheap at the hardware store … and also a plastic ruler. And some brushes for detailing stuff with slip – I’m ever artsy fartsy.
Currently I have everything in a little open-style art bin, but I’m beginning to think I need to re-visit my old tackle-box-art-student days. I had given some of my stuff away years ago (all of my oils and a really fantastic set of brushes, which I now regret), but I may have a tackle box around somewhere I can repurpose. Lord knows except for giving things away to people who express a need, I throw nothing out (Bri can attest). It’s genetic. (this, also, Bri can attest)
I recently stumbled across:
Farmer digs up mystery of tunnel network under field
Ruins of 1,000-year-old palace discovered in Nepal
Experts’ joy over Iron Age relics
Bronze Age shipwreck loaded with jewellery is found off Devon
[thanks to for the last 3 links]
Discovery of 3000-year-old Artist in Espidej
(I’d like to buried with my Niermeyer and ceramics tools, ok?)
Ah, this weekend was a glorious orgy of dishes, whining children, laundry, whining (coughing and runny-nosed) children, homework…and did I mention the whining? (No, not that sort of orgy – that’s much more fun than I had this weekend.) Oh – and the Cleaning of the Room ritual with Em. *shudder* I think I still need a beer.
3 hours at the studio yesterday, however was sehr gut. I’m cranking to get all my projects finished – fresh clay will be no more* in a week and a half, class ends in a few weeks (already!) Yikes! Yesterday I made a large casserole, a lid for same, and a handle for lid. Made a few mugs, handles for mugs. Must get crackin’ – and I still have no idea if the sectional piece I started last week will actually come together OK tomorrow night, so I may have to make up for that one (we pick 5 projects out of a list. 10″ Lidded vessel – check. Set of 6 mugs – working on it. I’m planning to make a 10″ bowl, and either a reasonably tall vase or a teapot (the body of which will be part of the sectional if I deem it not workable…so then tomorrow night I’d have to wrangle a lid, handle, and spout), and then maybe a set of 4 5″ bowls (which I figure I can crank out in pretty short order). Arrgh! Darn surgery/recovery put me behind!
*[that means they will be making no new clay to begin projects – so the remaining time is spent finishing things up, getting everything through the kiln processes, yadda]
And I’m still quite behind on everything else. Bugger.
And I need my own set of calipers, darn it all!
Library Is to Launch Digital Gallery Today [yesterday, that is] The NYPL has opened its new Digital Gallery of some 275,000 images (the collection will grow to 500,000 images over the next several months) “digitized from primary sources and printed rarities in the collections of The New York Public Library, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints and photographs, illustrated books, printed ephemera, and more” – here is the complete list of collections. Its western MSS collection “approximately 2,340 manuscript pages, and associated illuminations, based upon NYPL’s contribution of 259 manuscripts to ‘The Digital Scriptorium,’ a multi-institutional image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts.”
Knocked two more tree tiles off this week. And an espresso cup. And I’m working on a three-piece sectional piece, but I don’t know how well that will work, but we’ll see. I’m goofing around with trying things and learning this and that moreso than focusing on production, production, production. I had glazed several bowls before my surgery, and they haven’t made their appearance yet, so I’m hoping the kiln that was tick, tick ticking away as it was cooling down (Wed. when I was in) is holding the lot of ’em.
(And in case all of the recent angst-less postings weren’t enough to wind your clock:)
I feel like the last 14 or so years of my life have been an exercise in Los Hermanos Penitentes.
So why can’t I move on, as some advice suggests? Why am I still enjoying a weekly tear session out of frustration?
Yet I also can’t continue the flagellation move forward – at least not for a time, if at all (knowing the chances grow slimmer with each passing minute year), because my logistics are just more and more bollocksed.
This looks fabulous – I haven’t the moolah to make the trip, so no abstract from me. Damn – I have the material, too.
Call for Papers: Charms, Charmers and Charming
A two-day international conference 23rd-24th September, 2005, at the Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London organised by the Folklore Society
Papers are sought on any topic relating to verbal charms (Segen, incantations, loitsut, zagovory, trylleformler, scongiuri, etc.) and especially the following:
charmers¹ books and charmers¹ repertoires, the transmission and memorisation of charms, international charm parallels, variation in charm texts and its motivation, the performance details of charming, charms as an expression of vernacular Christianity, the Œlife history¹ of particular charm-types, and (re)assessments of the classics of charms scholarship.
The conference follows on from a joint Warburg/Folklore Society event in January 2003, the proceedings of which were published by Palgrave as ‘Charms and Charming in Europe’ (2004). As with that event, it is intended that a selection of the papers will be published in book form.
Presentations should be 20-25 minutes in length. And while the working language of the conference language will be English, there are no geographical
limitations on the subject matter of the papers.
There is no conference fee for speakers, but potential speakers are advised that they are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.
Please send proposals consisting of a title and a paragraph-length abstract to
Jonathan Roper
by e-mail: [email protected]
or by post: Jonathan Roper, Natcect, 9 Shearwood Road, University of Sheffield, SHEFFIELD, S10 2TN, England.
The closing date for proposals is April 30th, 2005.
“The words and the letters are all havin’ a party and dancin’ in my head. Like, craaazy…” -Emma
I’m just about out of Vicodin. (I’m not happy with that. WIth my previous surgeries I never used all of the ‘scrips, but the pain with this one has been much, much worse)
My incision area is still touchy, although not as bad as the first couple of days, and my entire abdomen feels like I was in some kind of bar fight with people much bigger than I (and lost. miserably). I have some odd bruising to complement the achy soreness there, and my IV hand is still sporting a big purple number that’s yet really tender to the touch.
I have a nice new burn on my arm. Lesson: take particular care when baking whist under the influence of Vicodin. (dinner was, however, not only edible but darn tasty, FWIW)
And to add insult to injury I must have picked up some virus at the hospital, because a couple of days home and I have a cough (and I already described the joy of that), I lost hearing in my left ear, aaand I’m all stuffed in the head and expelling technicolor yuck. Nothing like misery on top of misery, no sir.
At least I’ve just been watching the days of constant snowing through the window instead of having to drive in it. Hey, if we’re lucky enough to get a snow day that’s a day I won’t have to take leave! (Yay, if that happens, because I have precious little leave left at this point!)