Apr 05 2006


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Apr 05 2006

darn darn darn darn darn

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Don’t ever get the idea that I have any control over scheduling for Congress – point of example: the two most difficult times for me to get away from the registration area are the two times when digital workshops/sessions are offered this year. Did I mention I’m about to start a second masters in Ed. Tech. to focus on the use of this stuff in the classroom?


Apr 04 2006

I’m sure you’ve all heard, but…

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My boss, alias “The Poobah”, most awesome boss evar, will succeed Rick Emmerson (one of the nicest people in the world, second only to PESz, of course) as Executive Director of the Medieval Academy. My internal dialogue on the ramifications has remained unblogged, and I have waited until the announcement was made by those who had the right to make it to say anything at all. Me, keeping my mouth shut. Whoda thunkit?

It’s incredibly wonderful for him, an amazing honor (and at the same meeting he was made a Fellow and recieved the Kindrick award from CARA. I did mention his awesomeness, didn’t I?) … I’m rather sad in my selfish way as I will miss him something fierce. Of course, this means I’ll need a new boss. Perhaps I’ll need to wear a t-shirt at Congress that says “Would you like to be my boss? ASK ME HOW!” Just doin’ my part for the team! Congress, schmongress, fantabulous grad program…hey, the real pull is the opportunity to work with me, right?

Mar 31 2006

In the news, etc.

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University gets 15th century legal manuscript

Oxford Archaeology Unearths Saxon Settlement in Southampton

Italians find ancient Ur tablets: Writings could lead to buried library

Palace Unearthed On Housing Scheme

Palace of Trojan War hero found in Athens

Archivist finds Henry I charter

A cemetery of secrets: A Roman graveyard has been dug up in York.

LuccaÂ’s Roman past revealed

Spanish Ship Found Underneath Florida Beach

And a bunch of Useful Bits:
The Canterbury Tales Project has been moved and rebuilt. It now includes the full text of all articles in both numbers of the Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers, links to working web sample views of two of their major publications, the Hengwrt Chaucer Digital Facsimile and the Miller’s Tale on CD-ROM, and to the whole of the Caxton’s Canterbury Tales publication, and the full text of many articles from their and other publications.

Using Medieval Latin: A Toolbox of Resources

Dictionary of Anglo-Noman Online

Mar 28 2006

The stork ain’t got nothing on me .

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Last time I gave a paper at Congress I was…pregnant.

Here I am, I agree to give a paper at Congress and I end up … pregnant.

Well. Now I know where babies come from.
That’s it! No more Congress papers!

Mar 25 2006

yes, I did snarf my drink, why do you ask?

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Mar 23 2006

Holy shit.

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Wait, I think I need to say that one more time: Holy shit.

Dude, Paris is burning: Protesting students are burning books. Ecole des chartes is still doing an inventory. Seems as though 19th century copies of medieval documents may be the “livres anciens,” not medieval MSS proper..but I think a lot of details are as yet unknown.

Here are a some links

La Sorbonne prise en otage pendant douze heures

Des livres rares volés ou brûlés

Le gouvernement choisit la fermeté face à la fronde anti-CPE

Here are some English-language articles up about an hour ago, mostly yakking about the cars, shops, and union angst:

From Reuters UK



Mar 23 2006

Blogger meet-up at Ye Olde Zoo

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Ancrene Wiseass and Dr. V are beginning to plan the First Annual Kalamazoo Bloggers’ Guild Meeting. Comments a-plenty. Weigh in on matters grave and beery. Go, do it now.

Mar 21 2006


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Fantabulous geekery! Superhero geekery! YES!

Ah yes…I don’t know about a costume, but I should go as The Harpy, and my superpower should be the sonic scream ‘Move your bloody, illegally parked car before the charter bus hits it!’

Muahahahaha. Lair. Awesome.

Mar 15 2006

In the news..

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