I haven’t measured these so I’ll have to add the dimensions later (been a little busy. g’figure) but here are some things I hadn’t photographed yet in the pre-Congress panic that came out of the last kiln loads of the winter term. And one of these days I’ll really learn to photograph well…clearly – it hasn’t happened yet.
(this one I’m definitely putting through again – the pink on the interior was actually a green glaze! the atmosphere did something different with the copper than I wanted or expected, although it’s not unheard of. there was one that didn’t make it in that I need to pick up today – I wonder what that will look like?)
(this one was donated to the PTO for auction) (this had wadding so affixed it was damaged while we were trying to knock them off, so I repaired and it’s now mine, mine, mine. I like it – it has heft)
(this is a set I made for someone)
Lots of tart warmers, I’m still fussing with which size and shape I like the best…fickle moi.
This was a special order.
A veeeery small bottle, as in with a cork it would probably hold maybe 3ml (and that’s just a guess):
Porcelain! Bowl! Porcelain! (didn’t work much with porcelain last term, but I really want to do more with it! it’s wuuuunderful!)
There is also a porcelain vase that I will re-fire – the interior was all matte rosey pink (like the mug above) and while the exterior pale blue crackle was what I was aiming for, the interior…not so much. Oh well.
And one (out of three, grr) trays of the scent diffuser tiles were actually fired at the correct temp (of course, all that I had used my new cut-out for were on the first two trays, darn it all. these are hand-cut and rusticus).