Jul 09 2007

now that I’ve turned to a puddle of pathetic under my desk…

Posted by briancarnell in Uncategorized

I do not like Thomas Hardy.

had BritLit.

had to read The Mayor of Casterbridgethere is a reason why I’m a medievalist. 19th cen. Naturalists don’t do it for me anywhere near like a lovely set of kennings. Really. (Yes, I know, I should have been an Anglo-Saxonist – I’ve heard it before..sod off)

I must, must own this audiobook.

One voice in the world sends my eyes rolling back in my head as I swoon.



In other news, I have discovered that listening to the Squirrel Nut Zippers at work makes me file like a maniac. Anything that can make filing happen is a good thing, this place is like a paper Hell’s Maw yawning, open and ready to swallow me in one gulp.