Apr 26 2007


Posted by briancarnell in Uncategorized

Endlessly behind. On keeping up with my favorite bloggers, on the 1,000,001 things I have to do, and, of course, on blogging (yeah, you haven’t noticed, admit it.) I think I need to read Seven ways to find the time to blog
and get a grip.
Of course, I also need to work out, eat right, parent my children with less volume, and give my house a thorough cleaning. And there’s the Congress paper that’s not currently writing itself. argh and ugh.

I hope their amps go to 11: Spinal Tap to reunite at Live Earth concert
We’ve got Armadillos in our trousers. It’s really quite frightening.

Archaeology world tour:
Bulgaria: Marble Phrygian Goddess Statue Discovered in Bulgaria
Hungary: Neolithic burial site yields unique archaeological find
Greece: 2 000-year-old tombs unearthed
Iran: Iran opens dam that archaeologists fear will harm famed Persepolis and other ancient sites