Mar 13 2006

The promised update

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Mother Soprano is still with us, literally and figuratively. New fun: sudden onset dementia (following two closely-scheduled surgeries in Oct. Probably anethesia related, but the cause is neither here nor there at this point). I’m counting on your vote for eventual sainthood. Vote early, vote often.

The longer I’m in our house the more things I see need repair of a minor or major variety. I am asking for power tools for mother’s day this year. Or a ladder – some came with the house, and they are truly frightening. (I’m way too excited about this one. Articulating! w00t!) Next stop, tho: an electrician. Say it with me: Uuugggh!

Well, they let me in: I figure I’ll pick up a second masters while I’m sort of wondering what to do next. Entirely online. Totally free (since I’m staff). And the U. is doing more with online courses, so I’m thinking it may mean I can pick up a section here and there as a part-time instructor. Can’t hoit, better than a stick in the eye, etc.

I want to kick myself for agreeing to a Congress paper. I know better, this is the third time I’ve done this to myself – this is the worst, worst, worst time of year for me. I might claim that I’ll write it in the fall, but I’m terrible about procrastinating. So as we celebrate another New Year I begin to panic because now I really, truly, am drowning. And I have to write a paper. I’m sooo stupid. Needless to say we are no where near a draft, ok? GAH!

I’m still enjoying cheap therapy working with clay. One of these days I really should post shots from the last 2 terms, I know, I know. Spent the evening glazing. We loves the spray booth, we loves the precious.

Oh, and we’re expecting another recruit into the Carnell army around about Hallowe’en. As Gomer Pyle would say, ‘Suu-prise, su-prise, su-prise..’ My response? ‘GAH!’ Yes, you can quote me.

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