Jan 01 2006

In the news, and other stuff of interest

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Yes, I’m behind. Shocking, I know.

Medieval tiles found at Kazakhstan site.

1310 hall Headstone Manor again in state of renovation and preservation (I smell a future episode of Most Haunted, don’t you?)

Medieval sewerage unearthed in Brno

Priest’s hunch finally uncovers Porto’s hidden holy scrolls

Medieval archive could be history

Reconstructed Stone-Age circle in Germany catches sun’s rays

Bio-archaeologists pinpoint oldest Northern European human activity

Here are some source-URLs I’ve been meaning to post (e-texts in the Bibliotheca Augustana :


De crimine magiae

And from the Gutenberg project:

A Treatise of Witchcraft, by Alexander Roberts (1616)

And some (non-IMA and Labyrinth, since most already know to look in those vast sites) Iberian source-sites of interest I snatched off a listserv posting (and now I can’t find the message, so apologies to whomever I’m not thanking properly):

Textos Lemir

LIBRO – The Library of Iberian Resources Online (secondary sources)

Textos de Literatura Galega Medieval

Documentos para el estudio de la Historia de la Iglesia Medieval

Textos en línea – Hispanomedievalismo

Digital documents contributed by AARHMS members

More to slog through and post, so stay tooned. I am a URL packrat, I swear. Happy new year to all, and thank goodness school starts again soon! 🙂

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