Apr 04 2006

I’m sure you’ve all heard, but…

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My boss, alias “The Poobah”, most awesome boss evar, will succeed Rick Emmerson (one of the nicest people in the world, second only to PESz, of course) as Executive Director of the Medieval Academy. My internal dialogue on the ramifications has remained unblogged, and I have waited until the announcement was made by those who had the right to make it to say anything at all. Me, keeping my mouth shut. Whoda thunkit?

It’s incredibly wonderful for him, an amazing honor (and at the same meeting he was made a Fellow and recieved the Kindrick award from CARA. I did mention his awesomeness, didn’t I?) … I’m rather sad in my selfish way as I will miss him something fierce. Of course, this means I’ll need a new boss. Perhaps I’ll need to wear a t-shirt at Congress that says “Would you like to be my boss? ASK ME HOW!” Just doin’ my part for the team! Congress, schmongress, fantabulous grad program…hey, the real pull is the opportunity to work with me, right?

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