Sep 11 2006

Brief announcement before I slide under my desk in an exhausted stupor.

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Made an etsy shop. Will cease hawking here, despite having been asked to do it I was a little uncomfortable. But piccies will continue. I’m vain like that. If you’re shopping the wonderful world of stoneware there is a link at the left.

Course I’m beginning Wed. is called Inspired by History. Descrip: “Etruscan pots, Minoan vessels, Greek vases, and Medieval Japanese teaware! The history of
ceramics is a gold mine for potters, and they have long used it to inform and inspire their work. This class will look at ceramic cultures and significant historical vessels as inspiration. Learn to look to the greatest pots ever made
to inspire a new look at form and content.” Should be very interesting. I have commission work up the wazoo to get going on, anyway, so let’s hope for a productive term. *tosses confetti*

Note to self: Sleep is a useful thing. Consider getting more of it.