The last of what I’ve photographed. I still haven’t dealt with my mosaic tile tabletops or tile mural – that’s for another day.
Tree tiles. These are a P.I.T.A. to photograph since I didn’t use a matte glaze, and I simply can’t get the detail to show properly. They are really much better looking in person, I promise – you don’t get a sense of the depth and texture with these shots, but they are the best I can do.
Small Pitchers.
Some experiments in ‘hey, how do I do this?’
A one-piece planter with draining. Must take a drill to this one – despite making the holes really large in awareness of the glaze movement in the kiln, I still ended up with glaze-filled drainage holes. Oh well – thrown in one, huh?
And two forays into modified wheel-thrown forms. Eh…
I haven’t posted pottery pics in a long time, and have given a ton of it away..a lot of which, I think, I never took pics of. Oh well.
Here are a bunch of pics, some of things I like, some of things I’m not as happy with at the end but I know how I’d do it differently (which itself is not unimportant.)
I’ll have to do this is in a few postings. First batch:
Mugs and a little espresso cup.
I tried to make a kyusu and yunomi set. Yunomi turned out fine – I even carved the kanji for tea into it – but the kyusu I was less pleased with. First attempt, and stubborn soul that I am I asked for no help working out my difficulties. Ah well.
Bowls. I obviously had a lot of fun with one particular glaze combination since I used it on two bowls, a mug, and the espresso cup.
I used strips to make a decorative dohickey…it’s much cooler-looking in person, and it makes a great fruit bowl.
Planter I made for my mother.
Tree tiles. I experimented with a larger version here, but I prefer the smaller style I’m making now.
(yes, clearly I’m no photographer. it’s not easy to take pictures of glossy objects with a flash camera!)