Apr 28 2006

thanks giving

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Wonderful co-workers have been kind and supportive through all of the stuff the past two weeks. Most Awesome Boss Evar bought me flowers (yellow tulips, and tiger lillies, and snapdragons. I love snapdragons.) and there have been cards and generous meal-help and pick-me-ups to remind me that people are thinking about me and care. Knowing they were concerned for me, first, and everything else, second, made all the difference, you know? I still came back to work after the procedure as soon as the doc. would allow – too much to do, just too much. It’s not the best time of year to try and take care of myself.

Paper is not what I wanted it to be when I sat and thought about it and came up with a title last Sept., but it’ll be done. Between the Director-leaving schtuff (and meetings and meetings and meetings), and miscarriage, and my stomach flu (oh yes, it gets better – had to go the ER for an IV, even.) I have little energy and time and brain-power for it. Good friends have offered to read through it, rough as it is right now…I’m grateful for these kindnesses as well.

This weekend I try on my closet and see what bits I can wear and what bits will have to wait until my body fully reverts back to its old self. And catch up on laundry, grocery-get, and the million other things that need be done before I dissappear for 4.5 days. (my lawn needs mowed. I ain’t doin’ it, not ’til May 8 – my neighbor trying to sell his house may come after me before then, tho…a reel-style manual mower + cramping = suckage, I figure, so even if I did have time I’d likely not have the inclination) And as feedback comes in, edit, edit, edit. And translate. And PVP (hey, it’s cheap therapy. My lvl 60 mage has made master sergeant. For the Alliance!)

Had intended to do some serious blogging pre-session…might, yet. Been some ideas I’ve wanted to get back to for some time..I’m behind the pack by miles, but I’ll weigh in eventually…been so wiped out that stringing thoughts together to form simple sentences has been about all I can manage.

And I have songs from Philadelphia Chickens stuck in my head. Only the parents reading this understand…like Snuggle Puppy (sung by Eric Stoltz, for you playing along at home): OOooooh, snuggle puppy of mine…everything about you is especially fine. I love what you are, I love what you do….

Apr 28 2006

In the news, another boring-academic-come-lately edition

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