Apr 17 2006


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Since most of you read it here first, it seems appropriate I should give the necessary update here..and now, as Congress is soon here and I hope to avoid awkwardness, and sadness, and difficult conversations when I see so many online friends and compatriots.

I have lost the pregnancy. I am OK. I hope to be my chipper self in two weeks (and yes, my paper has suffered for the distraction). I may be a little unsteady if I have to talk about my physical and emotional realities, but you’re welcome to lie to me and tell me the paper was super. (I’m not delicate, but a combination of over-tiredness and over-stressed-ness may leave me with few reserves for difficult topics.)

Looking forward to seeing as many as can make the blogger meet-up … and at the session, of course. I’ll be smiling, I promise.