Apr 08 2006

I know I don’t usually meme you, but I’m in desperation avoidance mode

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A 40 Meme, as seen at Dr. Crazy’s and a bunch of other places…

1) Who is the last person you high-fived?

Either Emma or Colin.

2) If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?

Doubt it, I’m insufferably non-athletic, no aim, no useful skills whatsoever, actually.

3) Do you sleep with the TV on?

Only if I fall asleep after rocking Colin to sleep on one of his manic late-night marathons.

4) Have you ever drunk milk straight out of the carton?

Who hasn’t?

5) Have you ever won a spelling bee?

Yes, but not in a very long time.

6) Have you ever been stung by a bee?

Lots of times – I swear as a kid I was a bee magnet. Wierdest place: belly button.

7) How fast can you type?

I dunno…seriously. Faster than slow-to-middlin, slower than Brian.

8) Are you afraid of the dark?

Dark itself? No. Things that might jump out at me in the dark? That’s another story…

9) What color are your eyes?

Green. Olive green, to be exact.

10) Have you ever made out at a drive-in?

My drive-in days were jammies-and-snacks. So, nope.

11) When is the last time you chose a bath over a shower?

The last time I had the luxury of time for a bath…and I can’t remember.

12) Do you knock on wood?


13) Do you floss daily?


15) Can you hula hoop?

I assume so, I could last time I tried, that is.

16) Are you good at keeping secrets?

Depends. That sounds awful, doesn’t it?

17) What do you want for Christmas?

A Hippopotamus. LOL. Know anyone who wants to pay off my mortgage?

18) Do you know the Muffin Man?

The one that lives on Drury lane?

19) Do you talk in your sleep?

Rarely. Snore, now, that’s a different story…my sinuses are unhappy sinuses.

20) Who wrote the book of love?

Someone who needed an editor.

21) Have you ever flown a kite?


22) Do you wish on your fallen lashes?


23) Do you consider yourself successful?


24) How many people are on your contact list of your cell?

36, but that includes family home numbers plus cell numbers, co-workers cells, school, babysitter, doctors…don’t assume I have a social life or anything.

25) Have you ever asked for a pony?

No. Can I have a day-spa GC instead?

26) Plans for tomorrow?

Retrieve children from parents, and continue work on the &%@#!! paper I never should have agreed to write when I know I haven’t the time to write it, thankyouverymuch.

27) Can you juggle?

Objects? No. A hundred crappy tasks at once? Yes, I do work full-time coordinating a conference and supporting an academic unit, why do you ask…

28) Missing someone now?

Does my sanity count as ‘someone’?

29) When was the last time you told someone I Love You?

About an hour ago, on the phone with Emma (after Colin hit her with a toy)…

30) And truly meant it?

Duh, yeah.

31) How often do you drink?

Right now? Not at all. Oh, but how I wish…

32) How are you feeling today?

Frustrated, frustrated, cold, and frustrated. (I hate that always-cold pregnant thing..)

33) What do you say too much?

Ask my co-workers, their answers would be far more colorful than what I’d admit to myself…

34) Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?


35) What are you looking forward to?

May 8

36) Have you ever crawled through a window?

Yes. Mom forgot her key when we went to the grocery store when I was like..5. She put me through the kitchen window so I could unlock the back door..the drop from teh sink to the floor seemed like miles. I’m still not particularly fond of heights..

37) Have you ever eaten dog food?

No, unless you count eating people food that was later saved for dogscraps.

38) Can you handle the truth?

What is this ‘truth’ of which you speak?

39) Do you like green eggs and ham?

I do not like them, Sam I Am.

40) Any cool scars?

A handful of scars, none of them, IMO, cool. One of those in the belly button, too – poor belly button.

(note: there was no #14 – feel free to ask the question yourself and I’ll answer!)

Apr 08 2006


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I’ve spent the lion’s share of the day fighting with my paper. I can’t, by any stretch, boast victory. I admit I’m rusty – it’s either rust or bloodshed and tears all over my translation, right?

Clearly I’m not workin’ it – maybe I should make a career move. I knew that level 60 mage would get me places!

And I burnt my pierogis.

Apr 08 2006

In the news

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