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My month-late Congress commentary:
This is, of course, too brief and mentions too little, but I can call it done.
Met many really lovely people who I have only spoken with electronically as well as those friends I usually only get to see once a year as we are separated by great distance. I’m always surprised but pleased at being remembered – Shana brought me chocolates from a fantabulous Toronto shop, and I had a visit from George Ferzoco re: a link I had posted in Dec. to a project I thought looked marvy. He signed the book on the project for me…a lovely thing, and a very nice visit with a very nice person. See – blogging doesn’t just get you death threats. 😉 When he popped up I was far from 100% and didn’t recognize the project from the cover of the book – the fact that I can’t read Italian compounded my insta-stupidity. I just hope he didn’t fly back to the UK and tell his colleagues the Kalamazoo Coodinator is a scatterbrain…not that I’m not much of the time, but I do try to keep it more under wraps. (chronic and frenetic multi-tasking ain’t for the faint of heart)
(realize that I’m not mentioning all of my visitors, but I need to get back to work, here)
SO yes, I danced many of the ‘you owe me a dance!’ dances, shook it like a polaroid picture. There were witnesses to my gracelessness, and Mike, duuuuude, you need to come next year, because I’m a very poor substitute for Bad Touch. It’s a darn good thing D’s amazing, because she had to carry it in the face of my utter surprise coupled with an inability to move with more smoothness than that of a inebriated water buffalo.
Had many fruitful conversations, including the one that led to the session proposal. It was a very talk-y Congress for me – which was a good thing overall…relaxed, but effecient. Societas Magica‘s proposal line-up looks yummy, and one rather behooves me to toss my hat in the ring again so I suppose I should get off my tuckus and write.