Mar 09 2005


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In addition to the calipers I want to get (which, I discover, also come in a set of really nicely-made tools that I can buy through the ceramics dept – and I think I may really need to get that set, now, since the cheap-o set I originally bought is partly disentegrating/roughing to the point of uncomfortable. less than $30, Brian!) I think it might be useful to have a level – you know, one of those pen-style pocket numbers. They’re pretty cheap at the hardware store … and also a plastic ruler. And some brushes for detailing stuff with slip – I’m ever artsy fartsy.

Currently I have everything in a little open-style art bin, but I’m beginning to think I need to re-visit my old tackle-box-art-student days. I had given some of my stuff away years ago (all of my oils and a really fantastic set of brushes, which I now regret), but I may have a tackle box around somewhere I can repurpose. Lord knows except for giving things away to people who express a need, I throw nothing out (Bri can attest). It’s genetic. (this, also, Bri can attest)

I recently stumbled across:

Farmer digs up mystery of tunnel network under field

Ruins of 1,000-year-old palace discovered in Nepal

Experts’ joy over Iron Age relics

Bronze Age shipwreck loaded with jewellery is found off Devon

[thanks to for the last 3 links]

Discovery of 3000-year-old Artist in Espidej
(I’d like to buried with my Niermeyer and ceramics tools, ok?)

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