Apr 29 2005

So busy

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Dude, something wicked this way comes. And in less than a week.

Crazy people are calling. Seriously. I don’t get paid enough to deal with some of these choice specimens. If I wanted to be verbally abused daily I’d work in fast food, you know? I don’t have student loan debt that makes me eligible for World Bank assistance and advanced degrees to be talked to like I’m four. I don’t shop at Walmart. Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?

I have so much to do. Congress crap at work, at home. Much ironing in my future. I’ll have to rob a bank to pay for my drycleaning I must drop off today (or be nekkid next week – not a pleasant thought). Details, details, details. All of the stuff that’s last minute because it has to be. I still have to work more on the showcase in the Bernhard Center. that’s been an entirely too-time-consuming exercise.

I have clay in my car. Yes, you read that right. Stoneware and red earthenware, to be exact. I need to carve the stoneware slab ’cause we’re making molds next week (I think I’ll do the tree, as well). And I have to deal with the two earthware slabs to design and cut intentional mosaics (center piece – I have already made all of the 4 X 4 tiles that will surround – and all decorated with majolica). And I’d better than them done by the end of the weekend or I’m toast. Must bring those back to class Thurs. (yes, I’m going to play with clay anyway, staffing students to sit in my stead. So there)

Oh, and clean the house, get caught up with laundry, get the kids clothes out and bundled for the next 10 days, refill ‘scrips, buy lunchables for Em for next week so Bri isn’t futsing with peanut butter and jelly…

Not to mention the powers that be require an answer on whether we’re doing private tutoring or summer school for Miz Thang this summer – perfect timing.


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