May 02 2005

My weekend

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I’m sick of cleaning, and I haven’t ironed a thing, yet. Or packed.

I woke up Saturday morning to discover that
-Em had been up for a while, didn’t alert us, and was, therefore, unmedicated
-There was any number of combinations of
–Hersheys baking cocoa
–Hersheys powdered chocolate milk mix
–Hershey’s syrup
–and hot fudge ice cream topping
–(oh, and some milk)
—in the bathroom (entirely covering, among other things, Colin’s little potty)
—On the stairs
—Through the living room
—In the kitchen
—All over some articles in a box I haven’t taken the time to file properly
—Let’s not discuss the state of the ‘fridge.

Needless to say much of what I planned to get through Saturday (the whole weekend, basically) was set aside to deal with the nasty, sticky, unimaginably infuriating mess through the house. It’s amazing what outstanding timing Em’s ADHD extremely symptomatic behavior problems have… When I’m living in the dorms for most of a week I do miss my kids…and yet..

As for Beltaine/May Day – no fertility for me (can I get a ‘praise the lord!’ ???), save fertility of creative energy.

I worked on my intentional mosaic project, started working on the slab project I’ll mold and then reproduce at will. One more intentional mosaic to go, but this one will be so much less intense – Mondrian inspired, all straight cuts, and easy to number the back and get it organized. The other is irises – and so many small pieces, it was insane to cut, then clean up, then re-fit upside down so I could try to mark the back in such a way to allow me to put the puzzle back together later. The mold will be a copy of Em’s portrait of herself and Colin (see icon) she drew shortly after he was born – up til then she hadn’t drawn people much at all (and no representational drawings at all until she was nearly six, in fact, the day she first went on meds and could concentrate long enough to try to draw anything).

I think the mural I’ll put on my rustic stoneware tiles will be a series of Etruscan dancers, although this tree of life is radically tempting.

Last day to pack boxes, as the university movers are coming tomorrow morning first thing to pick my and MIP’s enormous piles-o-crap to transport to Vly III. Finally had my new ID picture taken this morning and I look less helter-skelter than I had thought I would, considering the early hour and the lack of coffee anywhere near my person. I even tried to smile – HA! what a charade! šŸ˜‰

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