Library Is to Launch Digital Gallery Today [yesterday, that is] The NYPL has opened its new Digital Gallery of some 275,000 images (the collection will grow to 500,000 images over the next several months) “digitized from primary sources and printed rarities in the collections of The New York Public Library, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints and photographs, illustrated books, printed ephemera, and more” – here is the complete list of collections. Its western MSS collection “approximately 2,340 manuscript pages, and associated illuminations, based upon NYPL’s contribution of 259 manuscripts to ‘The Digital Scriptorium,’ a multi-institutional image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts.”
Knocked two more tree tiles off this week. And an espresso cup. And I’m working on a three-piece sectional piece, but I don’t know how well that will work, but we’ll see. I’m goofing around with trying things and learning this and that moreso than focusing on production, production, production. I had glazed several bowls before my surgery, and they haven’t made their appearance yet, so I’m hoping the kiln that was tick, tick ticking away as it was cooling down (Wed. when I was in) is holding the lot of ’em.
(And in case all of the recent angst-less postings weren’t enough to wind your clock:)
I feel like the last 14 or so years of my life have been an exercise in Los Hermanos Penitentes.
So why can’t I move on, as some advice suggests? Why am I still enjoying a weekly tear session out of frustration?
Yet I also can’t continue the flagellation move forward – at least not for a time, if at all (knowing the chances grow slimmer with each passing minute year), because my logistics are just more and more bollocksed.