Oct 20 2005

In the news

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lots from the Google archaeology keyword lately:

Scientist has found spider trapped and preserved in amber 20 million years ago.
(Blood! DNA tests! cool!)

Mysterious grave found in Gohar Tepe, Iran

Archaeologists Unearth Bronze Haul

Medieval farm uncovered under Edinburgh hotel (thanks to Cronaca for the link)

Have so much blogging to catch up on – so many things I have in neat little piles, ready to cover. But busy – oy. Work is thirteen flavors of nutz. Brief update: Mother Soprano still recovering in nursing home; Boy pooped in potty (first time – hey, it thrilled me, I’m not saying it has to do much for you); Girl swan dived off of playground equip., complete with resulting drama; iris bulbs still unplanted; working on (Xmas) orders for my knotwork tree tile and am cranking small pitchers out – I think I’ll make a kyusu/yunomi set…yay clay; I haven’t gotten any farther on my paper for Congress than a title, but dude, my WoW char. levels this weekend and I’ll get my mount. suh-weet! (in other words – pathetic as usual. rinse, repeat.)