Yes, part II of the ADHD series will come. Be patient.
But first,
In the ‘Youv’e GOT to be kidding me’ category: Faux Family Friendly? Wow. Really. I can say that I’m both not surprised and shocked and dismayed. I don’t know if real men eat quiche, but the old idea that real female academics need be barren hasn’t gone away, clearly. The more things change, the more thay stay the same.
And in the Urban Legend category: At Cliopatria, Rebecca Anne Goetz has some comments on The Tribble Fall-Out, and what we can do about it. She’s requesting into to compile, so go! Read it! Email her!
Matchless Pagan Tomb Unearthed in Bulgaria
Ancient drowned forest discovery
And I found this link, and it’s just enough amusing and bizarre that I thought I should share: Kanzlergenerator. Note the way the names change. Hee!