Sep 06 2005

On next week

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About a month ago I mentioned my intention to join in a special needs blog round. That proposed date is September 26 – more about that when I hear more. I’ll have something to add that day, I’m sure.

September 14 is ADHD Awareness Day.

I usually do a school visit, read a book to the class, answer questions – be available. That week I will focus on this topic here – educational stuff, ranting stuff, and some of what’s it’s like being Emma’s Mom. (I’ll never claim I have the worst lot, that there aren’t families struggling with more…but some of my scenery, as I walk my path as a Mother, is different, and my kid is different – and that’s important, and worth a mention.) I try to educate her class because I hope that knowing why Emma has bad days will inspire a little more charity on their parts, that the reactions will be a little less harsh. And something that is out in the open is less likely to be attractive as a weapon later since there is nothing secret or shame-laden about it.

And Emma’s Mom is big. And looks kids right in the eye. And that’s important, too. I’ll take the fear-factor advantage if given.

Sep 06 2005


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Much more response than expected to my clothing drive.

Do I need to rent a minivan or u-haul and take a drive?? ACK!