Jul 12 2005

To blog or not to blog…

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This Chronicle piece, hereafter known as the Tribble Drivel, came out Friday, but I was off-line (and up to my nether regions in Pine Sol, thankyouverymuch) completing The Move From Hell cleaning rituals. So for the last 24 I’ve been bouncing around catching up with all that was said over the weekend, and rather than just respond to ‘Tribble’ and say what has already been said (and likely, said with more eloquence) I’ll suspend my regular wordy rambling in favor of a list of some of the responses I’ve read, in case there’s someone y’all haven’t caught, yet:

There. I suppose it’s time to admit that one of my faults is a chronic urge to be helpful.
(I’m sure there are three former applicants to a small liberal arts college who are darn thankful they dodged that bullet.)

La Profesora Abstraida also comments, and handily categorizes blogs.

Contrast the drivel to Ralph E. Luker’s Were There Blog Enough and Time, which I have been meaning to blog about, but there’s this pesky move, and all. Read it. Let the hollow place inside you left by troublesome ‘TribbleÂ’ be re-filled.