Feb 20 2005

The update

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I’m just about out of Vicodin. (I’m not happy with that. WIth my previous surgeries I never used all of the ‘scrips, but the pain with this one has been much, much worse)

My incision area is still touchy, although not as bad as the first couple of days, and my entire abdomen feels like I was in some kind of bar fight with people much bigger than I (and lost. miserably). I have some odd bruising to complement the achy soreness there, and my IV hand is still sporting a big purple number that’s yet really tender to the touch.

I have a nice new burn on my arm. Lesson: take particular care when baking whist under the influence of Vicodin. (dinner was, however, not only edible but darn tasty, FWIW)

And to add insult to injury I must have picked up some virus at the hospital, because a couple of days home and I have a cough (and I already described the joy of that), I lost hearing in my left ear, aaand I’m all stuffed in the head and expelling technicolor yuck. Nothing like misery on top of misery, no sir.

At least I’ve just been watching the days of constant snowing through the window instead of having to drive in it. Hey, if we’re lucky enough to get a snow day that’s a day I won’t have to take leave! (Yay, if that happens, because I have precious little leave left at this point!)