Jan 31 2004


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So I get this email from someone I just can’t say no to…and, for a conference to be held at Michigan State University titled: “Esotericism: From Europe to North America,” to be held 3-5 June, 2004, at Michigan State University, she is organizing a session titled “The Medieval Esoteric: Hermetic, Neo-platonic and Magical currents before 1500.” (the conference is the doing of The Association for the Study of Esotericism) She has two papers…might I have something, oh say, Arabic and Picatrix-y for a third? Oh, and organizer info is due in days…

Hmm. A month post-Congress…think I can manage it without internal injury, and can’t say no, anyway…So here goes nothing:

From Esoteric to Exoteric: The Translation of Arabic Magical and Scientific Works in the 12th and 13th Centuries


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