On one hand, venting in a weblog openly about clearly identified co-workers and supervisors – a weblog that any luddite using the URL in a university account sig file can find – is patently stupid. Yes, everyone vents about work once in a while – I would dare say it’s a healthy thing to get out of one’s system lest the frustration slowly corrode the office environment. I vent about co-workers on those days I’ve had it up to here – to other co-workers, quietly, in their offices or cubicles. They nod understandingly, I refill my coffee cup and life is much, much better – and I do the same for them, too. Shake it off, put game face back on, back in play.
On the other hand I can’t be the only person out there wondering about Harvard UniversityÂ’s policy regarding privacy and free speech.
Things that make me go hmmm…