sing with me!
12 days of ‘basement opera’ from the cat in heat (gotta call the vet! “Shut Up Mr. Kitty!”)
11 strings of lights that just fell down again overnight
10 excuses from the MIA MiL (don’t even get me *started* on this one)
9 crazy classmates at the kid’s birthday party
8 days to shop for both families and a teacher because money is so tight
7 paid days off (thank god)
6 hours of sleep (maybe) Xmas eve – I should feel blessed
#s 4 and 5 Ph.D. applications due! (only 2 more to go, da da dum dum)
4 days of cranky, feverish, teething toddler
3 half-deaf relatives holding the remote hostage
2 new tires
and 1 kid with ADHD!