A coffee can make you forgetful: A cup of coffee each morning may wake you up, but a new study suggests caffeine might hinder your short-term recall of certain words. Caffeine made it harder for people to find a word that they already knew – the “tip-of-the-tongue” phenomenon.
[And I thought I was just a stressed-out, over-tired spaz…]
Steven Hawking: I was wrong: After almost 30 years of arguing that a black hole swallows up everything that falls into it, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking did a scientific back-flip today.
This just in…Hell freezing over…
Crazed surgeon amputates penis: A Romanian surgeon underwent a fit of madness while operating on a patient’s testicles and instead cut off the man’s penis and sliced it into three pieces, hospital officials said.
[that must be what happened to my career]