Bri‘s birthday – making him chicken paprikas (not to be confused with this reporter). So fattening, so yum.
I got to play tooth fairy this week, finally. Emma lost her first tooth (or, should I say, I had to yank the darn thing out) – it was wildly jutting as the tooth growing in behind it is well on its way – I’m glad it’s out of the way and I don’t have nightmares about orthodontist bills…yet. She’s gaining on 8 years old, so this is a long time coming. She reported every lost tooth a classmate in kindergarten shed, very annoyed that her teeth were just as non-wiggly as ever. Same angst routine last year. If she hadn’t lost any by the date of our next Dentist Bonding Extravaganza they would be discussing pulling them to get them out of the way – the idea of that cost sent shivers down my spine.
Hey – time to eat!