Oct 25 2004


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I am finally getting around to adding some fine folks who are linking to me to the list on the left. I’ve also been mentioned in some fine, fine company here. An honor, although I am uncertain how deserved. I guess I should work harder to post things more interesting than mere blather. There are many things out and about I should like to comment on…but have not.

And speaking of blather, here’s today’s dose:
I admit it, I skipped the lecture Friday. Instead, I wandered north toward the Newberry stopping for lunch (Marshall Fields food court – busy even well after ‘lunch hour’, but the fish and chips were worth it. At least the fish were – fries are fries are fries. They did offer malt vinegar – much to my relief. I was terribly nervous for a moment when I realized it wasn’t out with the rest of the condiments.

I wandered across the street into Nordstrom Rack (since we’re heading into that time of year, and on top of my two I will have a new nephew to buy for) and picked up a couple of small stocking items for the wee ones…aaand an $88 silk blouse for myself for a mere $26 and change. Score! The weather was too lovely to spend an afternoon inside after already spending the morning inside, frankly. The exhibit was small but very nicely done, for all who will be visiting Chicago in the near future. I visited my favorite parts of the museum, followed my wandering companions into the gift shop (and found my mother a TraditionalWinterHoliday gift) and spent quality time with the Chagall window. My propensity for motion sickness and the charter bus did not get along. Thank goodness I always carry Adams Clove chewing gum. I should have had some candied ginger root, too. Uuuggh.

No decs up yet, of course – I’d love to come back in a month and see the windows, plus I didn’t stop at the amazing carmel corn shop across from Niketown nor eat at the Berghof (which is not easy to do, depending on my company. If Bri tags along we’ll go no where near sauerkraut, mark my words!)

A few things, then links:
I have come to grips with the fact that over the past 8 months or so my son’s gorgeous eyes, slowly growing a darker and grayer blue, have finally changed to green like Emma’s and mine. *sigh*

The really weird weather this past spring, plus an equally odd fall, has resulted in a crappy apple crop this year – so my tradition of apple picking with Emma will not happen. I need to redeem myself and get a really amazing pumpkin to carve…Maybe I’ll get two, carve them like our presidential candidates and see which one the students smash first! (If I do I’ll post pics – they’re both such punkin’heads anyway…it’s too, too fitting)

On to the interesting stuff:
El Greco art discovered in Spain.

Iron age horse burial unearthed.

Dateline Croatia
An historian commenting about..history? What a novel idea!

Not medieval, but just interesting enough to include:
Is fraud rampant in U.S. history?

LONDON, England (CNN) — A devil-worshipping sailor in the Royal Navy has become the first registered Satanist in the British Armed Forces.

Kiln’s ‘ancestorÂ’ found in Greece.

The cave of Lot’s seduction and the monastery it inspired. [thanks to Mirabilis.ca for the link]

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