Today noticed I’m past the 40-lbs-lost mark since June of last year.
Yay me. *tosses confetti*
(I also note that I Monday I spent quality time with the leg press (180 lbs, in case you’re is taking notes) in the most over-zealous way and that, combined with last night’s belly dance class, means I still walk like an old lady today. I have exceptionally unhappy quads. Today I focused on upper body, as you can well imagine.)
I hope to lose another 10 (at least – I won’t stop at 10!) to get down to my post-Emma weight by my birthday in a little over 2 months. I had rather hoped I might be farther along than this (and so could justify a new Congress wardrobe, heh heh) but stressful applications, holidays, and a 2.5-month-long plateau have not positively contributed to losing somewhat closer to 100-lbs by my birthday. Perhaps impossible goals are my MO. Worse arguments could be made.
(Most women who have had a baby are likely wondering ‘Why on earth is a post-baby weight a *goal*?!?’ I had hyperemesis gravidarum with my first born – I vomited all day every day (and at night.. it was equal opportunity nausea) throughout the pregnancy and barely kept hydrated enough to stay out of the hospital. I lost a lot of weight – so I was lighter after giving birth than I had been in a long, long time.)