First – might anyone know if there’s any plans to translate Valerio Evangelisti’s Eymerich books into English?
Followed by the brief and boring MFA update: made it to the gym last Mon. and Wed., but not since. Friday I had to get all things ready for the Grandpa-and-Grandma-want-to-see-the-bebbes visit, and this morning…well, read previous entry. Maybe tomorrow. It would be a Good Thing, at any rate, even if I put it off til Wed. Mom was impressed by my small, but visible, biceps this weekend (so I’m not imagining it all – I really am gaining muscle). Payday is tomorrow (Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya tomorrow!) so I can stock up on fresh fruits and veggies again. Today made the comforting, but not diet-wise, choice of pierogis at the campus caf. And they weren’t even that great – I make better. (and they tried to serve them with marinara! What the heck were they thinking?!?!)