Jan 23 2004

MFA, Dread, and stuff…

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Made it to the gym again Wednesday. Even during one of my much-enjoyed bloat times I still weighed in under 260 lbs.! YAY! MIssed today – trouble getting the family out of the house on time – but they have child care til noon tomorrow and we had paid ahead so I think I’ll try to go after I feed the chillun tomrrow morning.

No letters in my mailbox yet. I know it’s still early, but the internal churning has begun. Bah.

And…I don’t get the local “newspaper,” but they have these stands all over campus with them just sitting there and a cup to donate in if you appreciate the rag – which I don’t. But I was in the student center for lunch with That Man and I passed a news stand – as I scanned the front page this little below-the-fold box just made me laugh right out loud right there in the lobby.

“Police are asking whoever is responsible for leaving a dismembered body in a wooded area off South Westnedge Avenue to call them at -, send email to — or write to —….”(continues)

*Thwacks head* So that’s where I left that darned thing! First the car keys, now…. (sort of puts a different spin on the old complaint ‘You’d lose your head if it wasn’t attached!’ doncha think?)

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