Sep 15 2004

MFA and stuff

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Back to the gym today after two weeks of sick kid and early-morning meetings – even how non-attentive to my diet I’ve been, I’m down another 1.5 lbs. *boogies*

Ceramics class last night was relaxing and enjoyable – it’s nice to work with my hands, again. My hand-strength is not what it once was, when I was working with clay and sculpting wax regularly, but my attention to forearms at the gym is beneficial. I have 5 sitting in the kiln room ready to go…we’ll do Raku (Japanese ceramic firing process – each piece is fired in a ceramic kiln until it reaches 1800F degrees. Then the piece is removed with long tongs and placed in a metal can with combustables. The heat from the piece ignites the paper [or wood chips or whatever] causing a reaction with the components (ex: copper) of the glaze. The metal can is lidded and the piece allowed to cool in the reduction atmosphere) for this first project so there will be results pretty quickly (comparatively speaking – ceramics is not an immediate-gratification type of exercise).

Announcements of interest:

Considering submitting a general session abstract for the Congress? Get a move on, as they are due today.

NEH Scholarly Editions Grants

The National Endowment for the Humanities announces the November 1, 2004 receipt deadline for applications for Scholarly Editions Grants. NEH Scholarly Editions Grants provide opportunities for the preparation of print and digitized editions of texts and documents that are currently inaccessible or available in inadequate editions, by a team of at least two editors and staff. NEH also invites proposals to digitize and publish in electronic form existing completed print or microfilm editions, or completed series within larger projects. Projects involving significant literary, philosophical, and historical materials are typical in this grant program, but other types of work, such as musical notation, are also eligible. The tenure period is from one year to three years, the earliest beginning date is July 2005, and awards normally range from $25,000 to $100,000 per year. For application materials and information, please go to

If you have any further questions, please e-mail the program at <[email protected]>, or call 202-606-8200.

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