Jul 30 2004

I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it

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The Warburg Institute Digital Collections: Bibliotheca Astrologica Latina Numerica

(This is a list of the digitized editions, from this link)

FAH 820 , Astrology Abû Ma’shar Flores, Venice, Johannes Baptista Sessa, 1488

FAH 765 , Astrology Zael De electionibus, Venice, Petrus Liechtenstein, 1509

FAH 750 , Astrology Umar Ibn al-Farrukhân al-Tabarî De nativitatibus secundum Omar, Basel, Iohannes Hervagius, 1533

FAH 750 , Astrology Massahallah Messahallach de ratione circuli et stellarum, et qualiter operantur in hoc seculo, Basel, Iohannes Hervagius, 1533

FAH 750 , Astrology Unknown Almansoris astrologi propositiones, ad Saracenorum regem, Basel, Iohannes Hervagius, 1533

FAH 750 , Astrology Bethem Centiloquium, Basel, Iohannes Hervagius, 1533

FAH 750 , Astrology Bethem De Horis planetarum, Basel, Iohannes Hervagius, 1533

FAH 1980 , Astrology Natura et effetti della luna nelle cose humane passando per I XII. Segni del Cielo, Venice, Publisher unknown, 1540 c.

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