So all of my applications are out. (Out, out damn spot!) Please, someone, send me an acceptance letter and lovely funding. Pleaaaaase.
I should be celebrating with champagne of something, right? Instead my inner control-freak (not so very inner, you understand) has begun the “Your life is in the hands of total strangers and you won’t know anything for 6-8 weeks! AIEE!” mantra in my head.
At least I have the Program to distract me (insert laugh track here.)
PageMaker, intensely annoyed carpal tunnel, and thou… I’m finishing Friday now, hopefully if I can manage to work through the numb hand problem I can get the rest out to proof by EOD Friday so I can take my MLK Monday off without guilt. I’m aiming to get it out of here (to-printer, to-printer, to buy a fat book!) by next week Friday – we’ll see, what with Monday off and all. Bids – need bids. Helllllyeah I love this time of year- wouldn’t you?
SO, taking a tally, applications are stressing me out, Congress and the Mighty Program are stressful (the Program not so much based on difficulty, but a sadistically-short time line and uncooperative carpal tunnel), I can’t even take my kid to the dentist and get anything done right (they used silver fillings instead of white, as I requested…grrr) and I’ve not even started fretting about the meeting with the school tomorrow to see what they will do for Em’s reading disability issues…I can’t imagine (between time lost from the newly-assessed LDs and her severe ADHD) we can catch up to make second grade next year at this point – and retaining her is a whole other mess of issues. I’m so high-strung I hum like high-power lines.
It’s a strange sort of thing…I’m shooting for my Ph.D. at the same time I’m just trying to make sure my kid is literate at the end of high school. I just have no personal experience with the sort of obstacles Em does and will face and I admit I vacillate between despair and renewed energy to sally forth and force the school to act. More control-issues, I suppose.