Jan 26 2004

crap, crap, and more crap

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So Friday night it was snowing, blowing, and the roads were crappy. We picked the kids up from the sitter, stopped at Meijer for gas and diapers, and then headed home in the murk and muck. There I was, minding my own business in the right lane of Westnedge (a 4 lane road through residential and business areas running north-south through Kazoo) when some sweet young thing in a red mustang decides to turn left into a neighborhood RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY CAR.

[photo op] My car was the worse for damage (of course. of course it was.) but since it was low-speed (I couldn’t have been going even 25, it was a very unpleasant night for driving) and everyone was belted no one was hurt. Except my pocketbook – small claims court will hopefully retrieve some or all of the repair cost, since Michigan is a no-fault state.

*sigh* It took the police an hour and a half to get there (it was a busy accident night all over town, apparently), Emma’s meds wore off while she was trapped in the back seat of the car and neither child ate til close to 8pm so the baby was fussing about being hungry as we were waiting for the cop to fill out his report and let us GO.

Yucky evening all around.

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