Diaperless Babies Seen As Earth-Friendly Solution: “Parents are urged to get in tune with their infant’s body signals and hold babies over toilets, buckets and shrubbery or any other convenient receptacle when nature calls…One advocate suggests bringing a “tight-lidded bucket” along to serve as a waste receptacle when mothers take their babies out in public.”
And more:
“”In my mind, diapers became the symbol of the Evil Empire of Western Parenting in which babies must suffer to accommodate the needs of their parents’ broken-continuum culture: a controlled, sterile, odorless, wall-to-wall carpeted fortress in which to live with the illusion of dominion over nature,” wrote Noelle, on the website livingharmony.com.
Despite his concerns, Noelle continued to use diapers on his daughter, despite the fact that he “felt like a monster and a fraud.”
Noelle finally chose to go diaperless and looked to traditional cultures for inspiration. “How I longed for a simple, dirt-floored, baby-friendly hut like that of a Yequana family,” he wrote.”
It’s patronizing. “Ooohh, look at those primitives living in their own filth! They’re so cute!!!”
It’s also patently stupid. The western world’s ‘controlled, sterile, odorless’ environment they despise is the alternative to filth and disease, countless numbers dying in plagues and epidemics – the environment our ancestors tried to escape, not glorify. Haven’t they seen those late-night Save-the-Chldren-esque commercials or taken a f-ing history course in their lives? SANITATION IS A GOOD THING. So much disease – diseases that kill children in huge numbers – are spread through feces. Increasing the risk intentionally for some political fashion is unbelievably stupid – and reckless, and dangerous, and moronic.
Mark my words – I’ll be arrested for physically assaulting some jackass having their infant shit in a can in their cart in the middle of the produce section at Meijer’s.