Entirely too amusing for I am silly and good with ketchup: Medieval Latin Yo Mamma Jokes
Added comment: Not huge winner, yet, but this is only the beta phase. Apparently the link with WorldCat only indexes those items found in 100 or more libraries – so it’s not fantastic coverage. Google scholar might be a passably useful tool for undergrads (with the exception of those writing theses, etc.), but it’s woefully inadequate for grad students and faculty research. Subject-specific databases are still the clear winner for a project of any muscle…but perhaps in time this tool may grow into something of more use to upper-level and advanced work. I’ll reserve judgement until a year of corrections and adjustments present a more complete engine.
I ran across the link for this thoughtful explanation from a recent listserv posting on the subject. I hope there are no budget-crunchers anywhere hoping to save a few bucks and shift from database expenditure to this free resource…that would be a disservice to the whole college/university community.