Nov 04 2004

New Journal Announcement

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CHIMAERA – A Journal of Eclectic Paganism is launching its first issue at the Winter Equinox of 2004 and is seeking contributions from writers and artists.

CHIMAERA, the dragon of disparate parts, is an apt name for a journal which welcomes well-written submissions from adherents of all pagan paths as long as they adhere to two simple guidelines: the author must write from a personal perspective of study and practice in a magical or magico-religious tradition, and must provide historical citations whenever used.

CHIMAERA will be published in .pdf format only, and will be distributed free to subscribers. Since this is an advertising-free journal staffed and produced entirely by volunteers, we are unable to pay for submissions. The journal will be delivered in Adobe .pdf format via email to subscribers only on a quarterly basis.

Interested authors should send a one page query letter outlining their proposed article and accompanied by a short bio to [email protected].

Interested artists can send a .jpg and description of their work, along with a short bio, to the same address.

Submissions must be received by November 30, 2004 in order to be considered for inclusion in the Winter Equinox issue.

If you wish to become a subscriber, you may do so by clicking on this link: [email protected]