Talking books used to help improve health care in Afghanistan (Based on popular LeapPad books for U.S. children)
I bet they are spared from the scourge of … Barbie themed leap pad titles! Aiiee! Bob the Builder would be a better example.
“We can fix it, yes we can!”
AD/HD Awareness Day: September 7, 2004
Mark your calendars, America! The first National Attention Deficit Disorder Awareness Day is September 7, 2004.Thanks to a Senate resolution that was passed in July and the strong-arming of lobbyists at the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA). September 7 will be dedicated to spreading awareness about AD/HD. Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington state, who introduced the bill, says, “My hope in identifying a National Awareness Day for AD/HD is to encourage an honest discussion about AD/HD, its impact on children and adults in schools, in the workplace, and in relationships, and encourage sufferers to seek relief.”
From the last week of August through September 7, ADDA, with the help of friends from the National Mental Health Association and the American Psychiatric Association, will launch a host of nationwide activities. Expert speakers will rally crowds in various cities, and you’ll be able to join teleconferences on medication, behavior, and symptoms simply by picking up the phone. (Other events remain unconfirmed at presstime.) While ADDA hopes to make AD/HD Day a yearly thing, don’t wait until 2005 to help start others on the road to treatment. Find out what’s happening near you today; call 484-945-2101 or visit