I must announce that today my son, 22 months of age, sat on the potty. Our caregiver documented the occasion with her digital camera, but I will refrain from posting it. Colin is very pleased with himself. I have a soft insert that goes on the toilet, so we’re ready to rock and roll.
In a strange coincidence one of the parents’ magazine e-newsletters I occasionally get arrived today with a special mention of potty-training. This video was recommended.
“Who could resist a bear who bellows, ‘You look so suave and debonair in your pair of underwear!'”
Who, indeed.
And this is the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time!
A test. I didn’t remember 9, only got about 2/3 of 7. Otherwise did well – how did you do?
[It’s always a fine day when I can find Teaberry gum, although I admit..I do prefer Beeman’s.]