Apr 21 2004

torcs for the memories…

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Boudicca news or rather, the torc she might have owned. Metal detecting is so much more interesting in the UK…

Apr 21 2004

geeky parent stuff

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For all those who do occasional gigs in their kids’ classrooms – this looks to be a fun one (be prepared to help small knights make helmet-masks!): The Princess Knight. I’ll have to pick it up!

Just bought Forri the Baker by Edward Myers. Really wonderful – great illustrations (which I do look for. wanted to be a children’s book illustrator once upon a time and still might try it, someday…but I’d write the books, too. medieval-themed, of course).

Books I Want to buy: Sir Cedric by Roy Gerrard, A Medieval Feast by Aliki, The Green Man by Gail E. Haley, and Bestiary : An Illuminated Alphabet of Medieval Beasts
by Jonathan Hunt . I have Illuminations by Hunt and it’s really well done. Knights & Castles: 50 Hands-On Activities to Experience the Middle Ages by Avery Hart looks really good, too.

Of course everyone knows my sinister plot – get kids interested in medieval history before someone tells them it’s boring, get kids intereated in Latin (Harry Potter!) before someone tells them it’s hard and obscure…*muahahahaha* Maybe in 4th grade or something if the teacher wants to cover Harry Potter I can offer to come in and teach them how to write their own spells….*MUAHAHAHAHAHA*

[crossposted to my lj]