Jul 22 2003

You’re unbelievable…Part Deux

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More on da boob:

The Real Simple magazine August 2003 issue features a list of “20 Rules to Break Now” – things not worth the time or effort. Hey, I want to simplify my life as much as the next person, but one of the things they suggest stopping is *breastfeeding your child*. Wha?!? This is included along with trivialities like ‘not swallowing your gum’ – so now breastfeeding is a waste of my time?!?

They support their inclusion of breastfeeding (on the list) with quotes from a Dr. Petrikovsky. So, then, one might wonder what’s up with this doc making a claim contrary to what the American Academy of Pediactrics suggests? Weee-all…Dr. Petrikovsky’s CV reveals that he had a Mead Johnson Traveling Fellowship. Important why? Mead Johnson are the makers of Infamil and other baby formulas.

This site describes a letter writing campaign happening so that the editors of the magazine hear, loud and clear (in a ‘real simple’ way. muahaha), that their ‘Rules to Break’ has broken a biggie: NO LYING. Gads.

[And I am not saying that formula feeding is bad (Emma was largely a formula baby), nor that every mother doesn’t have the right to make her own choice.]

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