Jul 13 2003

You heard it here first…

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I realize I’m breaking my rule again, but I can’t keep this to myself. This is been a pretty no-excitement diet weekend, anyway. I think I’ll do crunches later. Ho hum.

Anyway, many people have kids because they want to teach them about the world. I am beginning to realize I had them for the opposite reason.

Emma today taught me that each moment is to be savored – for example, when running through the house unclothed it is necessary to do the right dupa-wiggle dance and sing “Naked! Naked! Naked as a salad!”

Keep in mind this is the same kid that, when standing at the screen door at my parents’ house watching a storm roll in, expressed her amazement with the nasty-looking weather closing in on us (with all due volume and emphasis), “Oh my holy moley godmother’s pachachas!” I’m still wondering about the lesson in *that* one.

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