So I’m sore today. Yesterday I upped my reps on just about everything, and while I’m usually able to push my lower body harder and end up sore, today I’m feeling it more in my upper back. I managed to lose 1/2 lb. of the lb. I gained on the date weekend, so yesterday’s weight was 268.
Catching up – I need to be better about water (have been *terrible* the last week or so) and pay closer attention to my diet – I’ve been busy, stressed, and eating dinner too late in the evening to be healthy. I should talk to Em’s ped. about her dosing again – the second dose of Adderall wears off right after dinnertime. On nights she has homework I have to sit down with her immediately after getting home (no sooner than 5:30 on a good day) THEN make dinner or there’s no chance at the homework at all. In the middle of this I have to get something together for Colin and let him nibble on little ravioli’s or something while I’m working with her because he comes home hungry – needless to say I end up eating after homework, after they eat, after Em gets ready for bed and gets her Clonidine…
We need to be able to do homework. I need to talk to him about a non-XR for those evenings when there’s an assignment or reading books sent home – we worked on it when her dose was wearing off and she burst into tears after we tried and tried and tried and said she didn’t have her medicine and couldn’t read! That frustration is too much for her. And me.