Sep 22 2003

MFA, etc.

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So last week I had my Borgess Vacation with my small blonde daughter, and then Bri’s grandmother was in the hospital in Battle Creek freaking out from prednisone – so more time spent in hospital cafeterias. If I were to rank them, I’d say Battle Creek had the worst food – while I’d rank Ann Arbor (U of M Medical Center) the best over all for quality, selection, and stick-to-diet-ability (of course that’s the biggest, and BC the smallest.)

I can’t put it off any longer – Must…Go…Back…To…Gym

So I worked out this morning – upper body only, no cardio as I’m still trying to hack up a lung. I am tired, sick, and haven’t worked out in a week and a half so I’m hurtin’ now, let me tell you. I kept the weights the same, but cut a couple of 2/12s back to 2/10, a little wimpy. Ah well. After all that time sitting around hospitals on MFA and eating (let’s all recoil in horror together, shall we?) HOSPITAL FOOD I only gained 1/2 lb. – today’s weight 268.

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