No workout yet this week. Sat. night Emma started vomiting roughly every hour to hour and a half…took her to the doc Sun. late AM and they gave her something to stop the nausea, but no dice. Still puking nearly 24 hours after it started and seriously dehydrated we called in and then went to the hospital. Good thing, it’s not like Em has a extra ounce to spare anyway, but her eyes were sunken, she was hallucinating and combative…it was ugly, really ugly. We were finally discharged yesterday afternoon (hence no Mon. workout) – she’s reconstituted rehydrated and has an antibiotic course in progress for a nasty infection in her u-tract somewhere – and she’s feeling fine ( I knew she was back to her old self the minute she started bring a crabby pain in the ass in the hospital – the Little Dictator in all her mightiness). This unhappy episode will result in a bunch of lab tests (of the ultrasound and VCUG varieties) and other nastiness before we see her pediactric urologist again in Nov. for her two-year surgery follow-up. We thought the reimplantation then to correct her vesicoureteral reflux corrected her, er, plumbing problem…hope the labs show this as a fluke, not a sign that it’s still a problem and perhaps more surgery might be in our future. Erg.
Of course, while we were in the hospital I was getting no rest (not that I slept Sat. night at all) and experiencing my usual allergic reaction to the place so, of course, I picked up a nasty summer cold. So I declined today’s workout since I’m tired, no where near as strong as usual, and I can’t do cardio with a miserably stuffed-up head. I feel lousy. Fri. looks to be the next time in – I hope this cold is mostly history by then.