Oct 28 2003

MFA, etc.

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Stumbled across this Very Scary Solstice site yesterday. Yes, I’m a Lovecraft geek…this was my favorite carol – *way* too funny!

Good site for Chaucerheads.

I may be going insane. Every area of this university wants nearly identical information, and every area wants to receive it in their own Very Specially Designed spreadsheet. I am in spreadsheet hell, regurgitating the same GA information over and over and over, projecting what is impossible to project, and doing it on the fly to meet coinciding deadlines (and lest I get too industrious – planning ahead and getting it done immediately will only serve to guarantee that a second version of the same spreadsheet will be issued requiring me to do it all over again.)




*knocks heels together* “There’s no place like a good, fully-funded Ph.D. program, there’s no place like a good, fully-funded Ph.D. program, there’s no place like…”

I made it back to the gym yesterday and lifted weights – had to trim a couple of my sets a bit since it’d been two weeks, but otherwise OK and not sore today like I had feared. Yesterday’s weight 265.5! Woo hoo! I was worried that not working out plus my pub adventures in St. Louis had really done me in, but my being good otherwise was the ticket. Of course, I didn’t make it in for cardio today – had to be in early as the remodeling folks are coming to move some of the steelcase cube parts around and I needed to get stuff out of their way and help a co-worker move a desk. And here the3y are now…gotta go…

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