Yes, crunches last night. 3 sets of 20. All whilst my spoiled little boy was fussing because I set him down…*sigh* At least I got them in: I spent ALL DAY Sat. working on Emma’s room, AKA shit pit (got the image I was going for, there?), and was just too damn tired and stressed to do them after. The time we spent finishing and mopping Sun. wasn’t as bad (ie: crabby and whiney), so I got them in – next weekend will be the great Organize the Crap or Pitch It campaign. Extra B1 for me, thanks, and a side of valium. I think she should ask Santa for a shovel this year.
Today. Today, today. Yes, we’re traversing on a plateau of depth and breadth. Oh yes. So I’m now adding cardio after my weight training (today is was treadmill. note to self – must remember headphones. I don’t read lips) and I’ll get in a little CNN at the same time. Between the gym time and the anal-careful shopping time and the reading my The Menu binder time and the prepping the food to the nth degree of detail as The Menu dictates time I’m pretty much out of time for anything else. It’s pretty sad when the laundry is ‘me’ time. My right shoulder hurt all weekend (since the Fri. workout) and that made me exceptionally cranky. It is, however, gratifying to be exceptional at *something*.
Of course, mere pain doesn’t halt progress, especially when we’ve a plateau to overcome. (did that sound snarky? good. my 800mg of ibuprofen must be wearing off) So! Weights went up again, this time by 5 lbs: Leg extention- 55 lbs. Seated leg curl- 85 lbs. Chest press- 65 lbs. Lat pull down- 75 lbs. Military press- still 30 lbs (that’s the one that only went up *5 lbs* last time. I’m weak like a girl.) I’ve been promised bicep and tricep hell on Wed. I’ll have to bring confetti, it’ll be quite the party.
Crunches on Big Wiggly Ball, again. Friday we did 3 sets of 20 forward, and 3 sets of backward. Today we did 4 sets of 10 forward and 2 back, but with the added joy of holding a Ball on a Big Metal Pole out in front of me while crunching (no, there are no pictures, you vultures). *That* did a lot for my already pathetic balance, let me tell you, not to mention the comfort of extanding my arms out and annoying the hell out of my already annoyed shoulder. Only good news is that the leg work didn’t hurt my shoulder, at least, since…EVERYTHING ELSE DID (including the *stretching* for godssake. no pain no gain my ass – pain makes Lisa a seriously pissy critter to deal with. gain *that* mutherphuckers). Today’s weight 279.1, and Olga’s officially out of my will. 🙁
(and I’m looking forward to week *two* of squashed toes at work, to add insult to injury. greeaaaat. pain + disappointment in the plateau + that unnecessary gar-bahge will seriously try my ability to grin and bear it. THIS is what those Snickers commercials are referring to-cosmic dissatisfaction calls for chocolate and peanuts. bleah. when’s my vacation, again?)